Saturday, 11 April 2015

Mistaken Identity

This is one of my many 'cringy' moments. It all started in primary school in year 2 when at break on a rainy day, we were sent inside to watch a little film of Scooby-doo. A few of the year six's were sent into our classroom to supervise us while the teacher sat in the staff room scoffing their faces with biscuits, cake crisps and tea. The year six's sat with us even though most of us were doing our own little thing. I went up behind a girl I thought was my pal and said 'hey hey hey how ya doing mate' with my ridiculous slang  voice. The girl turned around and my jaw dropped. To my horror it was the face of a scary year six. I panicked  and fled away searching for my friend. As you can imagine, this wasn't the best way to handle it. I could have at least apologised and explained  the mistake. Or even better noticed, she had her hair down when my friend had her hair up.
Remember to notice what your friends hair is like and year sixes are not scary!

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